I have always been fascinated by raptorial birds which for me are the 'Kings of the Skies'. Some of my paintings also contain these majestetic birds. To gain some further inspiration I was able to join the team of the Adlerwarte Kreuzenstein and do some hands-on work myself. From falcon to vulture and buzzard to bald eagle it was one of a kind experience and one can learn so much from them.
I'm currently working on a new series of paintings for the next exhibitions which are coming up in the next couple of months.
Green wasn't a colour I have been using much of in my previous paintings. But having been given a bucket full of a fabulous green tone colour I have to use it in my next paintings :)
Many years ago I was inspired by the holy window 'Margaretenfenster', made in 1234. It can be found in the 'Stift Ardagger' in Lower Austria.
You can't imagine what kind of energy this window radiates. It has outlasted nearly 800 years and the colours of the window are still very vibrant.
And last year I started planning an art project including the 'Margaretenfenster'.
I was working for one week in the church beween the 'Margaretenfenster' and the altar this August. It was a combination between my painting process and a conversation with Jesus. He was very happy about this dialogue and we both were able to learn a lot from each other. In the end I finished a very larce scale canvas with him.
It was a special and unique time for me to make this experience. Especially with the complete silence and to be by myself.
The preparations for my next exhibition at the Gallery Hollerei are finished. So I´ve got a bit of time on my hands to create new paintings for the next collector. I´ve been working on two canvases for some time now. During the night, I had a dream and a briliant idea. At 3 a.m. I shook up my wife and shouted: "I have to go and paint now, I´ve got a dazzling idea!" She replied: "You´re crazy, it´s still dark. Tell me the idea and I remind you of it tomorrow morning." So I told her, but to be on the save side, I got up and wrote my idea on the blackboard in the kitchen.
In the morning after my first coffee I disappeard into my studio upstairs and worked for several hours......
Now it´s shaping up!
The Gallery Hollerei in Vienna was inviting me to read some texts by Andy Warhol and my own ones, written in New York between 2015 and 2017, during the Austrian 'Reading Day' on 15th March 2018.
The Austrian 'Reading Day' was taking place for the first time this year. The aim was to set a distictive sign for literature and reading. Furthermore, this project intends on helping children to read regulary and to read to children. This should increase their education and development opportunities. Reading to children has shown a positive impact on them. Reading might be the most important cultural technique, only who can read is able to participate in a modern society. Without reading citizen there is no democracy.
The Austrian 'Reading Day' is an initiative of the ECHO MEDIENHAUSE.
Margit Stolzlechner and Markus Grundtner were also reading at the Gallery Hollerei. It was an inspiring evening in a cosy atmosphere.
A text by Andy Warhol.
My own text 'DIAMANT' written in NY 24th Dec. 2015
After a really exhausting week I longed for a relaxing weekend. I got myself comfortable on the sofa with my latest book purchase “Die Biografie” of Gustav Klimt. After a couple of pages I felt I wanted to be very close to the artworks of the artist Gustav Klimt. I remembered, that the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna are currently showing some of Gustav Klimt´s wall paintings. So I dragged my wife to the museum…...
The well known artist of the Jugendstil Gustav Kimt past away exactly 100 years ago in 1918. The Austrian Museum, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, celebrates this anniversary with a special show.
In 1890, the “Art Compagnie” with Gustav Klimt, his brother Ernst Klimt and his college friend Franz Matsch got the commission to create paintings between the intercolumns of the staircase in the Kunsthistorisches Museum.
12 meters above the ground on an special stairway you can admire the wonderful paintings of Gustav Klimt, Ernst Klimt and Franz Matsch. The special thing of Gustav Klimt paintings compared to the paintings of Matsch and Ernst Klimt that Gustav Klimt developed a step toward modernity. This was the beginning of the decade of Klimt´s famous “golden period”.
I came so close to Gustav Klimt, I could have imitated “THE KISS” with Gustav.
The project “Stairway to Klimt” is running until 2nd September 2018. Highly recommended.
My favorite painting from this serious: “ROMAN AND VENETIAN QUATTROCENTO”
Book recommendation: Gustav Klimt; "Die Biografie" Authors: Alfred Weidinger and Mona Horncastle; publishing house: Brandstätter; ISBN: 978-3-7106-0192-7
Yesterday evening was the preview of the 17th Art Benefit Auction for the 'NEUNERHAUS' at the Kunstraum Wohlleb in Vienna.
More than 170 artists have donated a piece of their art. The raised contribution will support the work of the neunerhaus.
The neunerhaus is an aid organisation which enables unsheltered and homeless people an autonomous and self-sufficient life again. The Kunstraum Wohlleb provided the location today for the preview. It's great to be able to be a part of it and support this good cause.
You can find more information under NEWS
For me it is always touching to see of what kind of humans the artistic group is composed of. I am amazed how much creativity each of those participants has, if one brings it out of those buried depths.
Consequently, a particular energy is emerging where all ideas are implemented.
This is what some participants had to say....
The course was really something special and you have been very inspiring and motivating.
Thank you so much.
I really enjoyed the course. You are an amazing teacher; you lead the participants to top performances.
A course taught by you is a pure joy.
I am still awestruck by the course. You have such a nice manner and you teach in an uncomplicated and unintrusive way.
The course was terrific. Thanks to you I fancy art again.
Reinhold Ponesch is back in New York working on his next work series and is also writing for the Austrian newspaper "DER STANDARD" in a weekly online art blog about the New York art scene, art fairs, exhibitions and artists.
For his latest blog entries please click HERE.
The Viennese Museum 21er Haus shows a great exhibition of the famous Austrian artist Franz West. The unique character of this exhibition is that you can be a part of the art work and can use and touch all the pieces. A special experience for all visitors! Unmissable! The show is running till 23rd April 2017, 21er Haus, Arsenalstraße 1, 1030 Wien.
The Art Fair ART AUSTRIA celebrated its tenth jubilee in a very special historical place at the Gartenpalais Liechtenstein in Vienna.
In advance my expectations were big for this art event. First of all, the idea to combine a Contemporary Art Fair with this hirstorical old building seemed to create an amazing atmophere. Unfortunately, for me it was unsuccessful because, the boothes were very narrow to walk through. Often the same works and positions of art were displayed like at other Art Fairs in Austria.
At latest I discovered a very interesting new art position at the gallery Kovacek & Zetter. They showed great works from the Austrian artist Roland Reiter. A sculpture of a big black woman made of bronze with blond hair and another sculpture composed of skateboards stuck together. In a nutshell, I was so excited about his works. After an interesting talk with the artist Roland Reiter I could leave the Art Austria happily.
The Austrian Lentos Museum in Linz showed a solo-exhibition of the diverse artist Gottfried Bechtold. He works with different materials and medias like film, video, photography, paintings and skulptures.
He became famous with the concrete Porsche in the 70s. He made many projects in the public space, as well as a big sculpture in front of the Bregenzer Festspiele.
Summarized a fantastic solo exhibition about a long period of working.
The ART VIENNA opens its doors under the motto ' A JOUNG ART FAIR NEEDS CURRENT ART' for the first time.
Besides the established galleries, most of them showed very boring works, I discovered three new interesting galleries.
The best new approach for art for me was the gallery 'Aa collections' based in Vienna. They showed a great installation from the artist Neda Nicolic and another outstanding installation from Loro Verz.
The gallery 'Weihergut' from Salzburg showed a tremendous collage from the Tyrolian artist Frei.
Fantastic exhibition opening "Böheimkirchen ist überall" 20th February 2017 at the Würth Art Room Collection in Böheimkirchen. It was a lovely homage to the great Austrian cartoonist who past away in 2016. So many people attended the event. His dear friend and comedian Lukas Resetarits narrated some funny stories about Manfred Deix and himself. The governor of Lower Austria, Dr. Erwin Pröll, opened the exhibition.
The exhibition will be running till 24 th November 2017 at the Art Room Würth Austria, Würth Straße 1, 3071 Böheimkirchen.
The Exhibition is worth to visit.
First exhibition opening this year in Vienna at the WOHNSALON Schwertgasse. The WOHNSALON Schwertgasse is an exclusive interior studio with a varied art & culinary program throughout the year.
For the opening I decided to do an extraordinary entrance and showcased my performance 'GOLD HILFT NICHT MEINE MASKE ABZULEGEN'.
The audience were surprised by my self-written and emotional text.
I enjoyed my first exhibition opening and was grateful that so many people joined me and my art.
The exhibition will be running until 1st April 2017.
WOHNSALON Schwertgasse, Schwertgasse, 1010 Vienna
Opening hours: Mo-Sa 10:00 - 18:00
We spent another great culinary evening with lovely people at the Wohnsalon Schwertgasse with star-chef Jürgen Csencsits.
With the slogan of 'Be my valenite' he created an amazing and mouth-watering 7 course menu from 'Bildeiner lamb-gnocchi to scallops with fenel to a chocolate-caramel tart. Dreamy !
And proud to see my paintings in place for the opening on Thursday 16th February 2017.
Wohnsalon Schwertgasse, Schwertgasse 4, 1010 Vienna
I´m delighted to announce my first exhibition from February 16th through April 1st 2017, at the WOHNSALON SCHWERTGASSE in Vienna.
There will be my new large-scale paintings displayed! Join us for my live-performance at the WOHNSALON SCHWERTGASSE.
Opening (with live-performance): Thursday, 16th February at7 pm
Wohnsalon Schwertgasse, Schwertgasse 4, 1010 Vienna
The artist couple Reinhold and Nicole Ponesch invited some friends to their studio party on 4th of December 2016 in Vienna. Everyone enjoyed the warm atmosphere with cakes, Christmas cookies, coffee, sandwiches and wine. The guests were very excited by the contrabass Benny and the saxophonist Leo. Their live Jazz music was amazing. Many people enjoyed the browsing in Nicole´s jewelry and Reinhold´s paintings. It was a great Sunday.
London other than New York, the most important city has one of the best art scene, called us to see the amazing exhibition at the Royal Academy "ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM".´It´s an obligation to visit this extraordinary exhibition. All my expectations were exceed. There were works of the most famous American artists displayed, for example Jackson Pollock, Lee Krasner, William De Kooning, Sam Francis, Clyfford Still, Mark Rothko, Robert Motherwell, Franz Kline, Joan Mitchell and many more.
My next great adventure was visiting the TATE MODERN. I was surprised by the presentation of there art program - have a look at the pictures below....
....and my third and most important happening was Nicole´s celebration of her birthday. She was the best guide to see the real London.
In 2017 I´m planning an art residency at the Royal Academy in London .
Wohnsalon, Schwertgasse 4, 1010 Vienna
Celabrating the traditional Martini goose with the Austrian star chef Jürgen Csencsits in a very special atmosphere. Jürgen Csencsits created a delicious four course menu at the extraordinary interior design establishment WOHNSALON.
Walter Unger and Melitta Becker-Unger gave us a very warm welcome with an aperitif and some canapés. We enjoyed the talks with very interesting people. Finally the whole society was curiously waiting for the roastet goose of Jürgen Csencsits. And......our expections were definitely met. It was brilliant.
Galerie Ernst Hilger, 1010 Vienna, Dorotheergasse 5
The prestigious gallery Ernst Hilger is presenting the "WORKS on PAPER" from 1983-2016 of the famous American artist and filmmaker Julian Schnabel. This is the first time that Julian Schabel´s enormous works are shown in Austria.
In 1975 Schnabel had his first solo exhibition at the Contemporary Arts Museum in Huston, Texas. And at the age of 30 he also had a solo exhibition at the Tate in London.
To admire are collages, mono prints as well as different graphic editions.
For me the most important works are the carbon prints on fibre paper, showing old German monuments like, Kölner Dom, Ritterburg and the Rhein. Unfortunately, there are only two original paintings in the exhibition. All other works are prints. The best work for me is the unique collage "CHILDHOOD 2016".
Bank Austria, Kunstforum Vienna
Marting Kippenberger was born in 1953 in Dortmund, Germany and died in 1997 in Vienna, Austria. He was one of the most important, but at the same time a controversal artist of the last century. He was for sure an exceptional artist, self-exposer and known as 'enfant terrible'.
Kippenberger left behind a diversified and complex work. He was experimenting with all kind of art forms: painting, drawing, objects, photography, installation and perfomance. The only medium he didn't use was videos and video istallations.
The Kunstforum Bank Austria is currently presenting Martin Kippenberger's work, bringing to focus one of his preferred medium 'Language' in Vienna.
Yesterday, a guided tour through the exhibition took place with curator Lisa Ortner-Kreil and Martin Kippenberger's sister Susanne Kippenberger. It was one of the best tours ever with very interesting and detailed narratives by Lisa Ortner-Kreil ,which were completed by personal details by his sister.
With Susanne Kippenberger in front of Martin Kippenberger's
painting he created together with Albert Oehlen.
Yesterday was an interesting discussion 'RESEARCH FOR THE MUSEUM' at the Donau-Universität in Krems, Lower Austria.
On stage:
Christian Bauer: Art director of the State Gallery of Lower Austria
Anja Grebe: Head of Departments Art and Cultural Study of the Donau-Universität Krems
Armin Lausegger: Head of the State Collection of Lower Austria
Reinhard Spieler: Director of the Sprengel Museum in Hannover, Germany
Introduction and chair: Almuth Spiegler, Journalist 'Die Presse'
Krems is increasing it's appeal through the new State Gallery. At the same time research is essential for the insight and experience of the visitors. The Department of Art and Cultural Studies of the Donau-Universität is immensely important for the museum as a central player. The State Collections of Lower Austria are as well concerned with comprehensive research assignments and appear together with the Donau-Universität and the new State Gallery. Those task sharing and collaborations are crucial factors for the furture offering of this art location.
Today was the award show of the 2016 Kapsch Contemporary Art Prize at the MUMOK.
For the first time 10 art experts were suggesting 17 artists who were then applying for the art prize. An international panel including, MUMOK director Karola Kraus, Kapsch CEO Georg Kapsch, curator of the Kunsthaus Bregenz Eva Birkenstock, director of the Museum Ludwig Yilmaz Dziewior and curator of contemporary art Lenbachhaus Munich Stephanie Weber were choosing this years award recipient ANNA-SOPIE BERGER.
Also for the first time Kapsch AG and the MUMOK are awarding this prize together. The award should promote young artists who reside mainly in Austria and should provide their first international appearance. Besides a prize money the recipient will receive a solo exhibition at the MUMOK in autumn 2016 and the Kapsch AG will acquire one painting for the MUMOK collection.
It was a great evening with new impressions and old memories, since I was fortunate to receive the award and design the Kapsch art calendar in 2012/2013.
Tonight was the preview of the 16th Art Benefit Auction for the 'NEUNERHAUS' at the Kunstraum Wohlleb in Vienna.
More than 170 artists have donated a piece of their art. The raised contribution will support the work of the Neunerhaus. The neunerhaus is an aid organisation which enables unsheltered and homeless people an autonomous and self-sufficient life again. The Kunstraum Wohlleb provided the location today for the preview. It's great to be able to be a part of it and support this good cause.
You can find more information under NEWS
HOLLEREI Gallery, Hollergasse 12, 1150 Vienna
Yesterday was Werner Schreyer's opening of his solo exhibition at the HOLLEREI.
He is very well known as a fashion model and actor but less as a painter. Colourful and bright paintings were awaiting us. We fell in love with a series of small paintings. So much that we acquired three of them.
I was lucky to be able to talk to him. He is such a humble, appreciative and great human being.
3rd exhibition opening this year athe the Peter Walter KunstRaum. Back the place where it all began. I had my first exhibition in Klosterneuburg in 2003.
24 paintings are displayed, some from New York and some of my new paintings from my Viennese Studio.
Opening Martin Veigl exhibition "urban theatre". Colorful paintings in the center point are people in the city.
Ressler Art auction, Vienna, Absberggasse 27
Today was the preview of the 4th RESSLER auction with internatinal and national artists. Highlight was the painting of Albert Oehlen (Germany).
A summary of my recent New York residence (October 2015-March 2016) followed by my exhibition opening CITY OF DREAMS in Vienna in August 2016.
Below you can watch the full version of the TV Night Talk “STÖCKL” with following guests: Reinhold Ponesch, Johanna Mikl Leitner, Juli Zeh and Karl Markovics!
Fashion and art – an attracting liaison.
Fashion company 12 by 15 approached me to be part of a global project. International artists provide their artwork to be desplayed and worn as “art in the public space”. I have choosen for this project two of my New York paintings, which are very close to my heart: “LISTEN TO MY HEART” and “YOU ARE SO VAIN”.
The T-Shirts are available for women and men in various sizes in the colors white, black and grey.
For orders please visit: www.12by15.com (video: Nicole Ponesch ©)
Visited the exhibiton of the late Austrian artist Traudel PICHLER at the Akademie der bildenden Künste in Vienna.
AI WEIWEI exhibition opening in Vienna at 21erHaus. Unfortunately without the artist. Best work: “F Lotus” at the Belvedere pond.
A wonderful workshop with exceptional talanted participants at the art academie la cuna del arte in Rosenheim – Germany (7th – 10th July 2016)
Today was the recording of Barbara Stöckl´s Night Talk Show! It was a unique experience to be part of the show. I had the pleasure to sit at the table with writer and journalist Juli Zeh, with deputy governor of Lower Austria Johanna Mikl-Leitner and actor and director Karl Markovics.The show will be screened on Thursday 30th June 2016 on ORF 2 at 23 pm.
Backstage in the directors room
I had my own guest room, here with daughter Yasmin and my wife Nicole.
If you need some tender loving care come and see my new paitings which are displayed in the “Opern Apotheke” next to the famous Viennese Opera.
Yesterday, I was pleased to join the “Modern & Contemporary talk with Thomas P. Campbell”, director of the MET New York. He gave an overview of the history and the future of the MET Museum New York. The director of the KHM, Sabine Haag, was opening the talk and discussion and she mentioned the good collaboration between both museums. Many art interested people as well as many Americans and the American Ambassador Alexa Wesner were present.
Inspiriring Opening of JESSICA STOCKHOLDER´s exhibition Snug Parting. Colorful installations with bright orange shopping basket, traffic mirror, oriental rug…..
Last visit at the famous Austrian Museum ESSL, before closing the doors forever! Sculpture from Franz West
With artist and friend Martin Kunz in front of a painting from Maria Lassing “KOPF 1963”
Mana Contemporary building, a former tobacco warehouse, is now a collaborative community bringing together all forms of contemporary art.
SARI LEVY was so kind to give us a privat tour through the exhibitons, I wanted to see. First stop was the Arnulf Rainer exhibition. Ayn Foundation presents 19 works, ranging from 1985 to 2000, a core selection of his cross and angel paintings.
Austrian Gallery Ernst Hilger shows the works of Alex Gingrow and Michael Scoggins. Large scale notebook with handwritten notes…
Next was the “The T´ang Horse”. An exhibition which contains own works by Antony Quinn and also pieces from his privat collection….
Unusual coat fitting at my friends, designer Hiroki Hasegawa, studio. He is designing a unique and one-of-a-kind coat for me. I enjoyed the design process with Hiroki, together we chose the fabric, the cut and so many other details. (video: Nicole Ponesch ©)
Excellent Opening at Andrea Rosen Gallery, 525 West, 24th Street, Chelsea.
Artists: Lizzie Fitch and Ryan Trecartin were showing their single and muliti-channel videos and large-scale installations.
In Gallery 2, Andrea Rosen, artists Paul Heyer, Jeanette Mundt and Jesse Wine were showing their pieces.
Luhring Augustine Gallery Opening, 531 West, 24th Street.
Artist Glenn Ligon was exhibiting “What we said the last time and entanglements”.
Our friend Stefan invited us for a tour through Tribeca, where he lives. The first stop was the “TWO HANDS CAFE” on 251 Church Street. We had a fantastic brunch, I can recommend the following: Avocado smash on toast with a poached egg and sweet potatoes, waffle with bacon and a soft egg.
Afterwords we went to the Hudson River to admire the beautiful view of New Jersey.
New military jacket design by Reinhold Ponesch.
Nicole liked one element of one of my New York paintings so much, that she asked me if I could paint it on a garment for her. Therefore, I chose a vintage military jacket and painted the desired skull theme on it. Based on the overwhelming feedback I have now decided to create my own fashion brand.
If you fancy a healthy fast food than I can recommend THE HALAL GUYS on 53 St. 6th Ave.
Most of the time you have to wait in line, because the quality of the food and the price is very good. I chose the CHICKEN COMBO for $ 7, which was a combination of orange rice, fresh salad and shredded chicken. You could also choose between a white dressing (like a joghurt – soya dressing) and a really hot chilli sauce. I chose the red chilli sauce and it was VERY HOT. In a nutshell, very fresh food and the reasonable price makes the wait worth while. Everbody in New York knows THE HALAL GUYS and it should be on your to do list when you are in New York.
We had a great evening on top of the Marriott Hotel – Times Square – The View is a 360 degrees revolving bar.
On the first warm day we had to go to the Bronx to the Bontanical Garden to see the tremendous Orchid Show at the palm house.
Another week with a new work series!
After a cold couple of weeks I can finally open my door and let the warm spring air in.
On our first wedding anniversary we took the Tramway from Roosevelt Island to Manhattan, walking down the Highline in Chelsea before having dinner.
Walking down the Highline on a warm March day.
Today I had a delightful studio visit from the FIRST SECRETARY OF THE PERMANENT MISSION OF AUSTRIA TO THE UNITED NATIONS IN NEW YORK, Mr. Stefan Pretterhofer.
This was by far one of my highlights in New York. The first famous artist I met was Keltie Ferris. I met her again at the last Exhibition Opening at Michell-Innes & Nash Gallery in Chelsea. She invited me to her studio in Brooklyn.
Yesterday, the 20th of February, I went to her studio. We had a great conversation. Keltie showed me the whole studio and also some amazing paintings she is working on.
She is an extraordinary artist and human being and very down to earth. Thank you Keltie for this wonderful time with you!!!
I joined the “Austrian New Yorkers” for a soccer game for the second time.
This time I came prepared and bought myself a professional soccer gear.
I was visiting the solo show of artist and friend Jonathan Fischer in a POP UP Gallery in the Garment District in Manhattan.
The famous Italian restaurant Sottocasa invited me to exhibit my recent large scale paintings in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, from 18th Februray till 18th of March 2016.
Here are some pictures from the preparations and from the first open evening with the group “Os clavelitos”, Bossa Nova Music.
Exhibition Opening at Mitchell-Innes & Nash Gallery, 534 West 26th Street, Chelsea,
on 30th of January. Artist: Eddie Martinez with great abstract paintings.
Unfortunately, I missed the artist Eddie Martinez, but then ran into the famous artist Keltie Ferris. I had an interesting conversation with Keltie.
I enjoyed a great week with my son Tobias and his girlfriend Sandra. Times Square with Spiderman and other comic figures and a huge purchase at the M&M store.
Gallery The Hole, 312 Bowery, New York, Manhattan
First day out and about after the big snow storm. Exploring the neighborhood equipped with video and photo camera.
video: Nicole Ponesch ©
My Converse are not good for this kind of weather and my toes were frozen. I went immediately to Manhattan and bought some proper snow and winter shoes. I was not the only one with cold feet and I had to wait in line for nearly 20 minutes to try on some shoes.
The wait was definitely worth it. Now I´ve got warm feet.
I ran into a model photo shooting and she was looking greedily at my new warm shoes!
I´ve finally settled down into my new studio and started working on some new paintings.
... what to do next ?
After a long day in the studio I´m walking the streets of New York.
Various exhibitions at 56 Bogart Street, Bushwick, Brooklyn.
10th of January DENNY GALLERY, 261 Broome Street, Lower East Side Manhattan; Exhibition Opening with Dana Sherwood.
14th of January, Robert Miller Gallery, 524 West 26 Street, Chelsea; Artist: Ran Ortner.
Albert Benda Gallery, 515 West 26 Street;
A group exhibition featuring works by Del Kathryn Barton, Sara-Vide Ericson, Dongwook Lee, Kalup Linzy, Nathaniel Mary Quinn, Terry Rodgers and Dennis Scholl.
Steven Kasher Gallery, 515 West 26 Street
Photo Exhibition Opening, PM New York Daily: 1940-48. Great show!
... taking my new studio in Brooklyn Williamsburg, 400 B South 2nd Street.
…cuting new canvas for the next paintings. I´m so proud about Christian Puluj´s Shooting.
7th January, Open Studio at Shin Gallery, 322 Grand Street, New York.
My friend Hyon Gyon, one of my favourite artist in New York, shows her tremendous work at Shin Gallery.
Awesome technique and style of art…..she sometimes works years on one piece
Zürcher Gallery, 33 Bleeker Street
Even though it was freezing cold we went to our first Gallery Opening this year. Artist: Lynn Umlauf
My special recommandation, even if it sounds odd, is to make one of the Chinese Tours leaving from Chinatown. A tour you should do at least once in your lifetime. We booked a four-days tour to the Niagara Falls – Toronto – Ottawa – Montreal – Vermont.
60 Asians and 2 Austrians were traveling in a luxury bus
First stop: Cordning Museum of Glass
Niagara Falls on day one and day two.
CN Tower in Toronto, 342 meters high
Parliament of Ottawa
Olympic Stadion in Montreal
Olympic Stadion in Montreal
Biodomé in Montreal – indoor zoo
City Hall Montreal
Last stop of the tour: Ausable Chasm in Vermont
NEW YEARS EVE in NEW YORK: A very special atmosphere in the city with outstandingly dressed people
When I´m not painting then I develop my own designs, currently for Converse and dresses.
Hot from the press, here are my uniqe Converse designed by myself. One pair for women and one pair for men. The design will only be featured on one side of each shoe (outside). All sizes are available,
Women leather dress, white and black, size M, unipue design. Every dress is a one – of – a – kind.
Preparing for my Studio Exhibition, painting the walls, framing a painting and putting up the paintings for my big event.
Fantastic evening with great friends, artists and supporters. Thanks to everyone for coming and the wonderful feedback about my art. I really appriciate the recognition I am receiving here in New York!
With Herta Engelhart and Jürgen Zeiner (Austrian Consulate)
Koening&Clinton Gallery, 459 W 19th Street
Mike Weiss Gallery, 520 W 24th Street
PACE GALLERY, 508 W 25th Street
very impressed with the large scale paintings from Ilya & Emilia Kabakov
Winston Wachter Gallery, 530 W 25th Street
Pavel Zoubok Gallery, 531 W 26th Street
The friend of JoJo Austria, Marietta Ganapin has participated in this group exhibition at Pavel Zoubok Gallery. Great works.
Robert Mann Gallery, 525 W 26th Street
Yasmin was very impressed about the art method that the artist used in his photos. He built a small scale theatre and put the little figures into the theatre and took photos of it.
After a very interesting Gallery Night we were very hungry and popped into the ” THE RED CAT” at 227 10th Av.
UNO TOUR at the headquater on East River New York.
We had a really interesting and impressive tour.
Sunday church service at the Brooklyn Tabernacle with the Emmy-award winning Gospel choir.
One of the most impressive experience I´ve ever had. (video: Reinhold Ponesch ©)
Happy about Yasmin´s arrival at JFK on 1st December.
We enjoyed the christmas decoration at Rockefeller Center.
Stunning christmas lights spectacle at Sakes on 5th Avenue
video: Reinhold Ponesch ©
Another small christmas tree at Fulton Market.
After visiting MOMA we desiced spontaneously to do “TOP OF THE ROCK at the Rockefeller Center.
The biggest bank holiday in the USA, Thanksgiving, we dropped into a restraurant on Mc Dougal Street to have a traditional turkey roast and pumkin pie
Upon advise we got up really early on Black Friday to be the first in line for the big sales. But there was no line…..
…because everyone had left the city….
Happy with my purchases saved nearly 60 %…
…but I´m not the youngest anymore, so I had to stop for a coffee and a little nap.
The Austrian Consul in New York, Jürgen Zeiner, organised a soccer evening with fellow Austrians. Dressed for the occasion I showed full physical play. The result was I scored some goals for my team.
…it´s a must to see the works of Jackson Pollock at the MOMA Museum. This exhibition represents eleven works selected from the nearly one hundred pieces owned by MOMA. The works, range from 1934-1954, are exploring Jackson Pollock´s groundbreaking contributions to the art of the 20th century.
Jackson Pollock in his studio East Hampton. For me the most important and remarkable artist in the world.
Vintage store in Bushwick, to look for a new overall.
A huge store with a vast choice of vintage clothes at very reasonable prices.
Toy´s R us, Manhattan, the dream of every child, and mine too. I found two dolls for my big new painting. Be surprised!
M&J Trimming. I´ve never seen anything like this before. awesome experience for me. thousends of trimmings. I purchased some stuff for my big painting in progress.
Denny Gallery, Lower East Side, 261 Broome Street:
Russian artist Nikolai Ishchuk shows in his second solo show at Denny Gallery photo-based two-dimensional works and sculptures.
Interesting style of work and he showcased his works not framed but between nails.
Shin Gallery Orchard Street – Grand Street 322 – Lower East Side
French artist: David Raffini showed his work in a special setting.
The floor was laid down with broken plaster panels and scattered penny pieces.
I had a really inspiring talk with the artist
David Raffini.
He also did a live performance: two flags, Palestine and Israeli were hoisted up and after a song he tied them together with his scarf.
video: Nicole Ponesch ©
Able Fine Art Gallery, 511 West 25th St – Suena Aesthetics of Affinity
At the first glimpse, you could not tell if it was an installation or if someone had forgotten their shopping or cleaning stuff. For $8.000,- you would get the two shopping bags. But let me give you a tipp-off: at Costco you can get it for $ 2,-.
Gagosian Gallery Opening Jeff Koons – we went there full of curiosity – but it was a great disappointment! For me it is not art, because it´s only a print of great dead painters with a blue ball in front of the painting. ???
Paula Cooper Gallery – 534 West 21 St.
The world´s famous artist Claes Oldenburg was present at the Gallery opening. It was very interesting to see his small concepts which are than translated into large-scale sculptures .
The tranquility of the beach inspired me for a spontaneous live performance.
video: Nicole Ponesch ©
On 7th November the charity organisation BEAUX ARTS hosted a fundraising event at the NSU ART MUSEUM in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The proceeds will support a children project of the museum. I´m grateful to Elisa Strohfeldt (BEAUX ARTS) and the director of the NSU Museum, Bonnie Clearwater, for inviting me to support this project.
We enjoyed a tour at the museum.
Nicole wearing my unique dress design and received many compliments for it.
FIRST STREET GALLERY pesented the group exhibition ALONE TOGETHER, with seven uique New York based artists.
We enjoyed a great evening at the Austrian Consulate General!
With Austrian Consul Jürgen Zeiner and his wife Kikku Fukushima!
video: Nicole Ponesch ©
video: Nicole Ponesch ©
The renowned SHIN GALLERY, located in the Lower East Side, has invited to spectate Hyon Gyon´s installation and works in a big factory space in Harlem. Originally from Korea, now based in New York has an extraordinary expressiv way to work. It was spectacular to see the large paintings, in particular some of her works were not stretched.
video: Nicole Ponesch ©
I´ve developed a friendship with an artist one and a half years ago on Facebook whose name is JoJo and he is originally from Manila. We arranged to meet for the first time in person at the Chelsea Galleries Thursday Night Opening today. We met at Mitchell-Innes & Nash Gallery, where Karl Haendel had his opening exhibition. I was excited to have met JoJo in person. He is such a great artist and human being.
Amazing work of Karl Haendel all the drawings seemed like photographs, but where in reality hand drawings made with pencil.
Robert Miller Gallery – Chelsea
JoJo suggested to visit several galleries so we did a Gallery Hopping.
James Cohan Gallery – Chelsea
Works from Beatriz Milhazes Marola
video: Nicole Ponesch ©
This weekend great open house at Industry City, 36th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11232.
Industry City is a complex of severel monumental warehouses. The warehouses are refurbished and most of the space is used for studios of artists. All kind of art can be found there, from painter to jewelery designer and photographer.
One felt really cosy and welcoming at Photographers Carol Dronsfield studio.
GALLERY OPENING No 4 Studio, Morgan Ave., Brooklyn
Slowly, but surely New York´s inspiration sank into my body and shows in my work process.
This manifests in the expression of my paintings.
Buddakan 75 Ninth Avenue New York, NY 10011
Next to Chelsea Market is the Asian restaurant Buddakan located. The main restaurant is one big room with a at least 10 meter dinning table in the center and a ceiling height of approximately 5 meters. As appetizers we had cantonese spring rolls and the peking duck salad. For the main course we chose the black pepper beef and the sugar snap peas. All in all the food and especially the service was excellent.
Fort Greene Flea – Brooklyn, 176 Lafayette Ave
Hugh flea market with 150 vendors. You can find a big choice of homemade food, vintage furniture and clothes. But also a lot of young designers selling their unique pieces (jewelery, pottery and fashion).
video: Nicole Ponesch ©
Friday, 9th of October
opening group exhibition at OUTLET GALLERY in Bushwick, Brooklyn, photography
MARS GALLERY, Brooklyn opening solo exhibition Todd Bienvenu, oil paintings
Saturday, 10th of October
FIVE MILES GALLERY, Brooklyn, opening group exhibition sculptures
Artist: Ruth Hardinger, sculptor
The concept has been drawn up and…
….now the real work begins….
(videos by Nicole Ponesch ©)
…finished. Now the final touch – the